Village Idiot
JoinedPosts by Village Idiot
What Are the Top JW Issues That Just Burn Your Buns the Most?
by Wild_Thing inwhich ones make you the maddest?
covering up of abuse, shunning, failed end of world predictions?.
my list is long and heavy, but the top 3 that set me off the most are:.
Village Idiot
Self worship. -
Village Idiot
VI : of course! But because the OP is clearly an oriented, dishonest and fallacious caricatur of socialism, I played his game too
Yes, coalize, I knew it was snark on your part.
Village Idiot
Publix, a highly successful supermarket chain in the south eastern United States, is owned by its employees. From their website:
"Being devoted to our company is our job. Company ownership makes Publix unique. As company owners, our associates hold themselves accountable for Publix’s success by identifying opportunities to reduce waste and looking for new products to offer. Our associates are invested in improving our company because we own it — it’s our reputation on the line! And that’s why this point on the mission statement is so important to us"
Compare that with the OP's statement:
"Coming up with new products is often time consuming, expensive and hit or miss. Nine ideas may fail before that tenth one takes off. The less the creative people behind these ideas are allowed to benefit, the less time, money and effort they'll put into developing new concepts and inventions."
It is under such a structure that the employees benefit the good of the company without the avarice of Darwinian competition. Perry, learn the meaning of the word altruism. And no, I'm not referring to simple pure sacrifice as you imply but to worker/owners benefitting directly from their own innovations.
That is how Publix grew to have 1,077 supermarkets bringing in $28.9 billion in sales last year.
Workers social/capitalism at its finest
Village Idiot
Socialism : 100 people have enough money by stealing 2 rich people.
It's not stealing but taking back what they took from you in the first place. They became rich off the labor of the poor without any just compensation.
Im wondering...maybe the GB are truly mentally damaged, not just deceivers.
by sowhatnow inhas anyone by chance read the latest issue of pshychology today?
april issue, article title' moment of impact'.. i havent fiished reading it yet, but it got me thinking, how likely is it that many born in jws [ teens in particular since thats the age these issues start to appear] will end up with these problems mentioned in the article?
i know of a few adults that have this problem, schizophrenia, bi polar, ect.
Village Idiot
They're not "damaged"; it is simply their nature to be what they are. You will find such people everywhere in society. They are the CEOs and politicians of this world. They simply have an evil brain. -
Village Idiot
I myself am semi-Syndicalistic. I believe that workers should own and operate the business they work for. It is the worker who's the creator of wealth not their rulers in the hierarchy.
Syndicalism is usually considered to be a form of Socialism though I refer to it as worker's capitalism. Since the business is owned by the workers they have the vantage point of knowing what they need to do without any micro-managing from the state.
And since the workers are the company they do not have the perverse incentive of stripping down their pay in favor of elevating the pay of CEOs and the top echelons of the hierarchy.
Village Idiot
4 Hear this, you who trample the needy
and do away with the poor of the land,5 saying,
“When will the New Moon be over
that we may sell grain,
and the Sabbath be ended
that we may market wheat?”—
skimping on the measure,
boosting the price
and cheating with dishonest scales,
6 buying the poor with silver
and the needy for a pair of sandals,
selling even the sweepings with the wheat.7 The Lord has sworn by himself, the Pride of Jacob: “I will never forget anything they have done."
Amos 8:4-7 - New International Version
Village Idiot
Perry: "A rising tide lifts all boats."
Face it Perry, middle class "boats" are sinking.
Village Idiot
So are Scandinavia socialist? Is it more socialist than e.g. the USA? Can we agree that countries can be at least this socialist without failing?
Perry never agrees or admits to anything.
Village Idiot
Socialists think that money will solve all man's problems. Everything is obsessively related to money in the socialist ideology.
That seems to apply to capitalism.
They have an almost supernatural ability to blame others with more money. God calls this greed and envy. They are sins.
Capitalists blame those with little money for their problems. They think they're entitled to the wealth that workers produce (which transforms into money). They are greedy, constantly thinking of ways to increase their money at the expense of others.
Remember the National Socialist German Workers' Party? No? They were called Nazi's for short.
Hitler killed all the Socialist leaders in the Nazi party. That historical event is called "The night of the long knives". Hitler also hated communists and rounded them up into the concentration camps.
The party, in its beginning, had been a hybrid party. They called themselves "nationalist" in order to attract the right wing (whenever the word "nationalist" comes to mind it always applies to the right wing). They called themselves "Socialist" to attract the left wing. By attracting the disaffected of both movements they were able to draw enough voters to win an election.
The fate of the Socialists within the Nazi party was sealed when Hitler came into power. Once they were killed off and the election was won they started destroying unions - something no Socialist would do.
Same thing applied to the other two major fascists in Europe. Mussolini, in Italy, had been kicked out of the Socialist party. Franco, in Spain, had the Socialists trying to kill him.
Domination is the result of Socialism, not freedom and equality. This is a demonstrable fact of history.
Socialist nations can be either freedom oriented or dictatorial. Go to Western Europe where Bohm lives and you will find those Socialist nations that believe in freedom and democracy and I should say much more than the United States with its plutocracy. You conveniently pick out the examples that you wish and ignore the ones that contradict your ideology.
How many Hollywood millionaires lead a train-wrecked life in spite of all their money?
Why Hollywood millionaires and not the others who outnumber them?